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데이터 구조 및 분석: Linear Structure and Dynamic Programming

임시 이미지 KAIST 산업및시스템공학과 문일철
좋아요 1785 수강생 3380
class AssemblyLines:
    timeStation = [[7,9,3,4,8,4], [8,5,6,4,5,7]]
    timeBelt = [[2,2,3,1,3,4,3], [4,2,1,2,2,1,2]]
    timeScheduling = [list(range(6)), list(range(6))]
    stationTracing = [list(range(6)),list(range(6))]
    def startSchedulingDP(self):
        numStation = len(self.timeStation[0])
        self.timeScheduling[0][0] = self.timeStation[0][0] + self.timeBelt[0][0]
        self.timeScheduling[1][0] = self.timeStation[1][0] + self.timeBelt[1][0]
        for itr in range(1, numStation):
            if self.timeScheduling[0][itr-1] > self.timeScheduling[1][itr-1] + self.timeBelt[1][itr]:
                self.timeScheduling[0][itr] = self.timeStation[0][itr] + self.timeScheduling[1][itr-1] + self.timeBelt[1][itr]
                self.stationTracing[0][itr] = 1
                self.timeScheduling[0][itr] = self.timeStation[0][itr] + self.timeScheduling[0][itr-1]
                self.stationTracing[0][itr] = 0
            if self.timeScheduling[1][itr-1] > self.timeScheduling[0][itr-1] + self.timeBelt[0][itr]:
                self.timeScheduling[1][itr] = self.timeStation[1][itr] + self.timeScheduling[0][itr-1] + self.timeBelt[0][itr]
                self.stationTracing[1][itr] = 0
                self.timeScheduling[1][itr] = self.timeStation[1][itr] + self.timeScheduling[ 1][itr-1]
                self.stationTracing[1][itr] = 1
        costLinel = self.timeScheduling[0][numStation-1] + self.timeBelt[0][ numStation]
        costLine2 = self.timeScheduling[1][numStation-1] + self.timeBelt[1][ numStation]

        if costLine1 > costline2:
            return costLine2, 1
            return costLine1, 0

        def printTracing(self, lineTracing):
            numStation = len(self.timeStation[0])
            print("Line :", lineTracing,", Station :", numStation)

            for itr in range(numStation-1, 0, -1):
                LineTracing = self.stationTracing[lineTracing][itr]
                print ("Line :", lineTracing,", Station :", itr)

lines = AssmeblyLines()
time, lineTracing = lines.startSchedulingDP()
print('Fastest production time :', time)

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