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강좌 개요

  • 타입 MOOC 강좌
  • 기간 상시 수강
  • 학습시간 6시간
  • 수강 승인 방식 자동 승인
  • 수료증 온라인 발급
좋아요 70 수강생 293

교수자 소개

  • KAIST 기계공학과 윤용진 교수님

    KAIST 기계공학과 윤용진 교수님


  1. CHAPTER 1 Fundamentals of materials and manufacturing
    1. 1-1 Definition of Manufacturing
    1. 1-2 Why and What do we learn Manufacturing?
  2. CHAPTER 2 Introduction of smart manufacturing history and evolution of industrial revolution
    1. 2-1 Introduction
    1. 2-2 Why study the smart manufacturing
    1. 2-3 Smart manufacturing example, Evolution of smart manufacturing
    1. 2-4 Creative design and manufacturing process
  3. CHAPTER 3 Basic AI for smart manufacturing
    1. 3-1 What is artificial intelligence?
    1. 3-2 Why AI comes out recently?
    1. 3-3 How AI & 4th industrial revolution is related?
    1. 3-4 AI intro in smart manufacturing
  4. CHAPTER 4 Stanford design thinking and lean startup for smart manufacturing
    1. 4-1 Stanford design thinking for smart manufacturing
    1. 4-2 Introduction of design thinking for smart manufacturing
    1. 4-3 Lean startup for smart manufacturing
    1. 4-4 Example of design thinking based smart manufacturing
  5. CHAPTER 5 Smart factory with FaaS (Factory as a sevice)
    1. 5-1 What is smart factory and Faas
    1. 5-2 Detailed structure of FaaS-FaaS Mini
    1. 5-3 Detailed structure of FaaS-FaaS Middleware/Cloud
    1. 5-4 Detailed structure of FaaS-FaaS Education
  6. CHAPTER 6 Smart manufacturing with 3D printing and DfAM(Design for Additive Manufacturing)
    1. 6-1 3D printing introduction
    1. 6-2 3D printing process
    1. 6-3 Smart manufacturing with 3DP: From prototyping to product